A possible driving test change

09 May, 2013

I s the driving test so predictable that changes are necessary to deliver a more robust assessment of assessing someone's ability to drive safely for life?

Learner drivers need to be more effectively prepared to drive unsupervised on the roads. 

Currently, a structured course of driving lessons will venture from the known to the unknown with instructors reducing the amount of guidance as the learner knowledge and ability develops.

In theory, this is a sound practice; however, due to some pupil's desire to take a driving test as early as possible, lessons are crammed into a short period of learning, looking at the Highway Code, knowing a few key manoeuvres and practicing the test routes.

Alternative ideas

Perhaps the emphasis should be deflected away from the 'driving test' as we know it.

A competency based framework needs to be applied to learning to drive which would make the entire process more measurable.

Learner drivers are expected quite correctly to take ownership of their responsibilities and the skills acquired and this may be better achieved through a period of monitored assessment before the final examination.

Although various Driving Standards Agency (DSA) literatures outline the desired outcomes for learning to drive a more structured syllabus needs to be in place for all to see and follow.

Learning to drive logbook

A logbook would highlight that satisfactory standards have been met across all driving and road conditions by the learner.  The approved driving instructor (ADI) signs off each given topic and on conclusion of the syllabus.

The ADI is trusted by the governing body notably the DSA to discharge training and maintain satisfactory standards, so who better to assess?

Only when have these standards been met and approved by the professional driving instructor will the learner be invited to take a practical driving test.

This combination of set goals will help move away from cramming for a driving test and presenting themselves when not ready thus wasting money and deflating ego whilst encouraging good driving skills that can be utilised throughout the driver's lifetime.

How do you feel about constant assessment prior to participating in a final test?


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