DSA to stop publishing theory answers

01 November, 2010

T he Driving Standards Agency is to stop publishing the multiple choice questions and answers used in theory tests. 

This will help to ensure that new drivers learn the principles behind driving theory rather than just learning answers. 

The move follows the introduction of independent driving into the driving test and the DSA's decision to stop publishing test routes in October 2010, to make sure the test assesses a learner's ability to drive and not their capacity to memorise routes. 

The driving theory test should help to prepare drivers for real life on the road so no longer publishing these questions and answers will mean that successful candidates will have to understand the theory rather than simply memorising answers. 

As a result, along with the other changes the DSA are making to the driving test should lead to better drivers and safer roads.

In September 2011 DSA will change the format of books and other learning materials available to help people prepare for theory tests.  This will take place at the same time as more challenging case studies are introduced to car and motorcycle theory tests.

Then, from 1 January 2012, DSA will create theory tests using questions which will not be published.

Practice questions and answers, not used in theory tests, will still be available to help candidates with revision.

Other companies which publish products containing DSA theory test questions will also no longer have access to the questions used in the tests.


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