Fewer driving tests taken in Basildon and Tilbury

27 September, 2012

T he latest statistics released by the Department for Transport show a small drop in the number of practical driving tests taken in 2011/12.


Overall, 2% fewer candidates have taken a driving test in the last year but more alarmingly 200,000 fewer tests were conducted than in 2007 compared to last year.

3 reasons why has there been a consistent drop in driving test (Tilbury / Basildon) numbers over the years?

Economic conditions

During this period, the poor economic climate wouldn't have escaped anyone's attention so it would be easy to suggest that young learner drivers in particular are avoiding getting a driver licence.

This may be because they are put off by high insurance policies and other associated motoring costs, this despite youngsters realising a driving licence may mean a ticket to a job opportunity or the chance to continue further education at a college or university of choice.

Perhaps the availability of jobs and the increase of youngsters continuing in further education has determined where the funds are divided and driving is not seen as a priority.


The Population of 16 to 18 year olds in UK has seen a steady decline of teenage numbers over the last decade with the projected number of persons aged 17 at mid-year 2008 to mid-2013 for
the UK are:

Year Number of 17 year olds
2008 808,581
2009 794,618
2010 769,591
2011 759,209
2012 742,616
2013 738,757

Souce: ONS 2006-based national population projections.

I appreciate that all driving test candidates are not 17, indeed, I recognise 47% of people over the age of 20 accounted for driving tests although the above numbers will have an impact on the number of driving tests.

The good news is the number of pupils in state schools is expected to rise to 7,950,000 by the end of the decade - 935,000 more than now according to the Department for Education.

Indeed, although all areas will see an increase in demand for school places but shortages are most acute in the South East with pupil numbers are forecast to reach levels last seen in the 1970s.

Standard of tuition improves

Dare I suggest that over recent years the standard of tuition has improved so helping to develop the students understanding and ability?

As a consequence driving test candidates are now requiring fewer attempts before finding success and passing their test.

Cynics might suggest that driving instructors are exploiting an already drained market and milking more money from pupils.  I would like to believe that instructors only teach the required amount of training necessary.

Either way, if driving test candidates are better prepared, fewer driving tests will be conducted.

Wouldn't it be nice to think the quality of tuition has improved, what do you think?


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