Learners to drive on motorways

08 December, 2011

L earner drivers are to be allowed to have driving lessons on motorways. 

The change, which will come into force next year, is intended to end the situation in which young drivers can be confronted with traffic driving at speeds of 70 mph or above without any preparation.

Under the plans announced by Mr Penning (Road Safety Minister), it will be possible for learner drivers to undergo some training on a motorway but only if accompanied by a qualified driving instructor.

The change, however, will not be made compulsory because of the difficulties learner drivers in remote areas of the country would face in finding a motorway within a reasonable distance of where they lived. 

Underpinning the move is concern at the number of young drivers being killed and seriously injured on the country's motorways.  According to figures compiled by the Department for Transport 82 drivers under 21 were involved in fatal motorway crashes between 2006 and 2010.

Source: Daily Telegraph


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