Observer on L test

09 October, 2009

F or those of you currently taking driving lessons with us at the moment, hopfully won't be affected by the 'Observer on L test', due in October 2010.

The DSA recently met ADI representitives and listened to their views.

Chief Executive Rosemary Thew reflected on the points raised and issued this comment, The proposal that candidates should be required to take an observer with them on their practical car driving test from October 2010 has generated a great deal of debate."So this is the approach we suggest: at the start of the test, driving examiners will ask all candidates if they would like their driving instructor (or another observer, such as a parent, guardian or friend who has taught the candidate to drive) to sit in on their test.  The examiner will then ask the candidate if they would like their instructor be present for the test result and de-brief.  This will allow candidates to take advantage of the opportunities available to support their ongoing learning and development, but will leave the final decision with them."

The chief executive stresses the need to work in partnership with the driver training profession to help candidates get the most from their training and from their practical test experience.

We already encourage our instructors to accompany candidates and make themselves available for the debrief on the test as we feel this encourages learning and development.

What do you think? We would value your response to this proposal.


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