Why do learners change driving instructors and visa versa?

18 October, 2012

W hy do learners change driving instructors and visa versa?

We have all heard the phrase, 'The customer is always right' which suggests, a company believes in putting the needs of the customer first.

However, it's very obvious that all driving schools don't always adhere to this policy as learners change schools/instructors commonly. 

If you don't get what you expect from a driving lesson, you should let the ADI know, and if he/she is not willing to do anything about it, then obviously consider taking your business somewhere else!

After all, you are paying the instructor, and regardless of whether you are a learner or not, you MUST demand a certain level of service from your instructor.

What we don't understand thou, is why some unhappy learners at this point don't change driving instructors earlier?

The interesting thing is that some of these negative practices are employed by driving instructors from national driving schools like BSM, AA, and Red and Thurrock based,driving schools offering cheap driving lessons.

There are numerous reasons that keep cropping up as to why learners move from one driving School to another. 

Here's a list of common reasons why pupils change their Driving Instructor.

  • They told me what to do but didn't explain why I had to it
  • All I did was drive around - I didn't really learn anything
  • They shouted at me when I made a mistake but didn't help me to avoid it
  • They didn't teach me any manoeuvres for 20 (or more) lessons
  • I had to drop the previous pupil off as part of my lesson
  • They could only fit me in every other week
  • The instructor kept answering the phone during my lessons
  • They were smoking in the car during my lesson

Of course, there are other reasons pupils change, but the list above contains the reasons we hear over and over again. 

These reasons also highlight the type of behaviour, by Driving Instructors, that creates a poor learning environment and therefore, sub-standard driving lessons.

Learners choose to change driving schools for the wrong reasons too

Whilst it's not uncommon for learners to become disillusioned with their driving instructor and course of lessons it should also be noted that some pupils will part company with a reputable instructor for less realistic reasons.

When a learner agrees to undertake a course of driving lessons with a professional driving instructor (ADI), they are submitting themselves to the invaluable experience and understanding.

Indeed, although learners may expect a certain level of instruction and have expectations for each driving lesson, it should be remembered, the learner is paying for the professional guidance of the ADI.

Positive driving lesson outcomes will be achieved when the instructor and pupil agree on objectives and follow a structured course.

However, it's when these objectives are not achieved, learning breaks down with either one or both parties looking for alternative options.

Some common reasons

We commonly here about driving instructors letting the pupil down when they have a test booked or planned but this usually means,
They were told they were not ready for their driving test but decided to ignore the advice?

Pupils will always expect to practice certain lesson aims such as carrying out manoeuvres.  This is usually a peer or family influence but will be disappointed if the instructor considers the time is wrong or needs to be spent practicing something more appropriate.

Finding a course of driving lessons cheaper elsewhere will attract those on a limited budget but 20 lessons of poor instruction at a cheap price is poor financial planning.  This will usually result in a longer course of lessons or an unnecessary break from training.

The level of instruction was too demanding or searching for the individual when the pupil expected an 'easier' ride.  Unfortunately, not all learners are willing to participate as whole heartedly as required.

Of course, there are other reasons pupils change, but the list above contains the reasons we hear over and over again and is not a reflection of all learners or should be said, all driving instructors.

Are there any reasons why you have decided to change driving instructors that we have not included?

Make a booking

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Passing your driving test first time is not always best
Learning to drive really isnt that difficult
Keywords: Learner drivers, ADI, driving instructor, driving test,


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