Drivers need to be aware of latest key scam

24 April, 2013

P lease be aware of the latest scam which needs to be shared.

How to Lock Your Car and Why!

Recently a lad parked in a local shopping centre car park.

When he came out to his car after a short time, someone had managed to get into his car and had stolen his mobile phone, laptop computer, sat-nav, briefcase and other belongings.

He called the police and since there were no signs of his car having been broken into, the police told him he had probably been a victim of the latest robbery tactic. 

There is a device that robbers are using now to clone your security code when you lock your doors on your car using your remote locking device.

They sit a distance away and watch for their next victim.  They know you are going inside the Store, restaurant, or whatever and that they now have a few minutes to steal and run.

The police officer recommended, always to lock your car manually with the key when parking in a public area.  That way if there is someone sitting in a car nearby watching for their next victim, it will not be you.

When you lock up with the key upon exiting, it does not send the security code, but if you walk away and use the remote button, it sends the code through the airwaves where it can be easily intercepted by the device.

This is very real.  Be aware of what you just read and please pass this information on.

Look how many times we all lock our doors with our remote just to be sure we remembered to lock them -- and bingo, someone has our code and potentially whatever is in our car.

Please share with everyone you know in the hope that we can frustrate these thieves.


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