Learning the driving test routes or how to drive

30 April, 2013

W hen a Driving Standards Agency, driving test centre becomes operational, it's fair to suggest that the immediate area is flooded with learner drivers. 

When the driving schools invade the area, they turn them from a peaceful haven to a congested hell. 

It's not uncommon to see driving school cars parked nose to tail as pupils take in instructions about the next manoeuvre or guidance on how to avoid causing danger to other road users.

Driving instructors use these same L-test routes time and time again by learners to practise emergency stops, three-point turns and reverse parking from early morning until late in the evening. 

Driving test routes

Driving test routes are designed by the testing examiners, local to that area and are specifically designed to incorporate the most difficult areas within the radius of their driving test centre.

The driving test routes give an insight into the various types of roads likely to be taken on your driving test they do get updated, although generally they remain similar due to the particular difficult areas that the driving test requires.

Driving test routes are also designed to incorporate all traffic systems and road types, so ensure plenty of practice is gained on:

· Major and mini roundabouts.
· Major junctions and quiet 'closed' junctions in residential areas.  This is to include crossroads.
· One-way-systems if close enough to the test centre will likely be on the driving test routes.
· All pedestrian crossing types.
· All road types including dual carriageways, busy urban, quiet residential streets and country roads.

Although good local driving instructors should know these areas, it should be noted that they should be avoided for as long as possible or until the learner is competent to drive in these places and the roads match the lesson aims. 

The details of driving test routes will no longer be published online by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA).  These measures will go some way to putting a stop to learner drivers 'cramming' for their L-test by memorising driving routes.

Driving instructors will no doubt learn the routes over time, and use them when teaching, but there is at least some reflection of reality in that most of us drive familiar routes most of the time.

The alternative is to understand each and every road scenario

Whilst looking through the driving test routes for your test centre, it's not necessary to understand each and every road possible as you will encounter different layouts and scenarios throughout your driving career. 

Locating difficult or different areas will prove more beneficial in the long term.

· Busy roundabouts with multi-lanes. 
· Busy junctions / crossroads and box junctions.  Again these incorporate multi-lane systems.
· Dual carriageways including the roundabouts that lead you onto the carriageway.  These roundabouts are often large with multi-lanes leading in and out of the roundabouts. 

Evidence shows that the biggest challenge newly qualified drivers face after passing their test is learning how to cope when they no longer have their instructor there to help and prompt them.

We want to make sure that new drivers are ready to make their own decisions when driving alone; learning how to do that in preparation for their test should lead to better and safer drivers during their driving career.

Which would you prefer, learning the test routes or how to drive, wherever you may drive? Leave us your thoughts, either as a learner driver or someone that has passed their driving test.


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