DSA explores new hazard clips

27 October, 2011

D SA is looking at how new technologies could be used to update the current hazard perception test (HPT) clips used in the theory test. 

The agency has invited companies who provide computer-based animation services to come forward with suggestions for improving the clips.

Senior staff from DSA will be meeting with interested companies later in October to discuss how new
technologies could be used to update and modernise the current clips.

The clips were created over 10 years ago and introduced into the driving theory test in November 2002. 
Research has provided evidence of a benefit to road safety from hazard perception testing.  Now the agency
is looking to refresh and modernise the HPT to ensure it continues to be fully effective in supporting road safety.

The video clips in use at present were created by filming developing hazards in a variety of road and traffic situations.  Whilst the hazards presented are still relevant and appropriate, the image quality of the clips is not as clear or defined as the quality of film available today and the content (vehicles, back drops, fashions etc.) is now looking dated.

If you would like to practice the hazard perception test press now or try the theory questions for FREE.


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