New drivers could pay less car insurance

06 September, 2012

I f you're willing to prove that you're a safe driver you could pay less for your cover with a telematics car insurance policy. 

What is vehicle telematics?

Telematics is not a new invention and has been used for over a decade in a variety of vehicles, including the emergency services and Formula One teams.  The technology is now widely being used in road cars.

Telematics describe the computer and electronic technology involved in our cars such as mobile phones, the Internet and GPS receivers.

The vehicle telematics business has been changing very rapidly over the past few years, with advances in technology.

Telematics, also known as 'black box insurance'policies offer personalised insurance based on when and how YOU drive. 

How does telematics work?

By tracking your vehicle's movements through GPS systems, insurance providers can assess your driving ability.  Different factors may be taken into account, such as:

How long you've been driving for, your location and driving skills, including;
How rapid or measured your acceleration is, how harsh or smooth your braking is and your cornering.

By having the device installed in your car, it's possible for you to prove that you drive safely.  Your premiums are then based on how safe and conscientious a driver you are. 

Actually, young drivers who insure themselves through schemes incorporating in-car telematics are a third less likely to have an accident in their first year of driving than the national average. 

All the indications are that telematics significantly improves the way youngsters drive and, more importantly, their safety on the road.

Young Marmalade, which specialises in keeping young drivers safe, is predicting less than 6% of new drivers insured under their Intelligent Marmalade scheme (will be involved in an accident whereas according to government statistics 20% of drivers nationally suffer some sort of crash within their first year of driving.

No more paying for bad drivers!

Instead of paying for insurance based on the average driver, telematics insurance is based on when and how you drive.  You can't say fairer than that! If you're frustrated at having to pay a high premium, telematics could be the answer to your car insurance problems.

Some providers may specify on your policy that you don't drive between certain hours when serious accidents are most likely to happen (usually late night or early morning).  This doesn't mean your car is uninsured during those times, although it may affect your driving score.

Telematics cover often comes with other benefits like free anti-theft tracking, and personalised online records of your driving.

In our opinion

Telematics is great for anyone who wants to take control of their insurance costs and is especially good for those in high risk groups such as; the young or inexperienced drivers or less frequent drivers with low mileage.

Of course car insurance discounts can be had by improving your driving habits, including Pass Plus courses


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